Pat Monardo 1 day ago (edited)

Kant-Hegel says Philosophy is really only about the Unconditioned and the Infinite. In Machine Learning I hear the expressions Emergence. My take is that the Absolute Process is the Bija-Sabija Process or the Genus-Species Process. The Genus-Species Process is the Genetic Exposition of the Concept. Aristotle's Organon is Transcendental Ergo. It is Pre-conceptual. This process is what Hegel calls "Being-Essence" which I take in CS terms as "Model-View". If I define Model as Thinking the thing in itself and View as Thinking the thing in general, then I say we have discovered the Absolute Dichotomy. the Absolute Model-View is Hegel's Ontology or Objective Logic. Now the connection to ML is that this unconditioned process is what ML are discussing as Reduction-Emergence. So I am saying that ML discussions of Reduction-Emergence is exactly transcendental ergo. And that is Pure Intelligence. But this reasoning is Philosophical Union of Empiricism and Rationalism. so I see the Empiricism-Rationalism divide as Absolute and is based on the Genus-Species process. There are three stages of the Absolute Idea. Model is First Stage. This is called "Prajna" or "Wisdom" or "Principle". View is Second Stage (for us) Fichte says that Thinking the Model and thinking the View should be seen as continuous simultaneous co-processes driven by the Controller. This MVC is the absolute genus. Aristotle's Organon teaching is meant for us to discover the Unconditioned in our inner soul as inner controller. I dont know if ML is meant to discover the unconditioned, but it is "just a Model" and would need "a View" defined as thinking the thing in general. That is what everyone says Modeling needs. The unity of thinking the thing in itself and in general at the same time is really the absolute idea where Model and VIew are seen as just projections of the Controller Hegel says we may project White Box VIews and Black Box Models these are both illusory projections of the Inner Controller (Red Box). This is realizing both the Unconditioned and the Infinite. So ML with a View and Controller based on the Unconditioned and the good infinity,, is really the path of strong ai. but weak ai can destroy us and it is easy to project such a scenario, but it would be humans to blame, that's for sure.
