Pat Monardo pt 2 1 day ago

I am sympathetic to Marx's criticism of certain rightist Hegelians.

Following Fichte, and Kant, the Categories only apply to appearances

and the World is the sole focus really. As Fichte says,

[Our] purpose [here is] to give a brief account of

the rules according to which the disjunction

we will have to make proceeds.

1. [It is a disjunction into] principles,

with each being equally a principle

of unity and of disjunction.

2. [It provides a deduction from this to a general]

schema of the total empirical domain

according to the form of its genetic principle.

So Fichte - Hegel is about the Science of All Life

similar to Yoga's science of Ayurveda, and Karma

or Span of Life. So Vedic Science is focused on Life

and Karma, which is a problem for ML.

Machines lack Karma ... which is Reflection rooted

in the Speciation of Being. Fascinating time period

Darwin's Genetic Method. That is really what this is about.

apply Darmin to Human Intelligence yikes..

Fichte-Hegel's Genetic Method!!! Dont Implement it

unless you have an Absolute Controller in place LOL

You see. Kant says the Idea needs a Schema for execution.

That is key. This schema is known using Transcendental Ergo

resulting in the System of Transcendental Idealism

which is the Theory of Science. So really SpaceTime is

an Idea and so Space and Time are Notions.

All of these Notions form the Pure Path and a

Schema to the entire empirical domain.

It means absolute power of Ishvara becoming

known to man. And that will be ultimately

Leveling Equality of Empirical Man. 
