Response to Crisky Chirp comment

Crisky says he doesn't want to rely on Chirp for field radios. It's a fair point if you consider that Chirp programming usually requires a laptop which is a lot of kit to bring into the field depending on the occasion. It's very possible to run all of that off a raspberry pi which has been sufficiently setup, however so the logistics of that footprint are considerably reduced in terms of weight, power consumption, and so on. Much ado about nothing perhaps but Chirp makes programming a lot of radio setups practical which means easy and fast. Programming really complex setups fast using the keys on a radio is probably not practical if you have a lot of radios or any sort of time constraints. A minor quibble like I said. I think Crisky will come around in an actual shtf scenario. The necessity for competent militia/minuteman RTOs has not yet occurred so many have not answered the call (yet). 
